viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

Dystopian Machine A1

Dystopian Machine A3


renders yellow

renders wood

The dystopian machine.

The dystopian machine is developed through a mobile device that will function as a research laboratory, projection and exhibition of the ways of being in the city, creating strategies for intervention in public space, transit sites and virtual spaces, giving voice to different social groups, alternative lifestyles, countercultural activists and the creation and imagination of the public from its individual and collective autonomy.

The dystopian machine will travel through the streets of Guimarães in public spaces by projecting images produced from the same research on the city, stop by several wards where equities and derivatives held, where people can take a proactive role and make art from the participatory assessments on status of the neighborhoods on issues such as access, use of public space, economic, political and sociocultural affecting communities.

The dystopian machine will be equipped with facilities to act as a mobile research lab and activity center. It will have video camera, audio recorder, laptop with internet, projector and audio equipment.

The dystopian machine tries to question and criticize the limits of the reality, the stage set by the dominant ideology and the real everyday experience, uses contextual processes of participation, research, intervention, involvement and action, for appropriation of device by different participants, in this sense is more that processes of pure aesthetic representation, visibility, is a proposal to understand situations in order to change it, activate new or deactivate other ones.

The dystopian machine is a model of intervention at various levels where the socialization of the research, actions and physical and virtual interventions is through a test on web about the notion habitable comunity, the public can participate and contribute to diagnostics. Your answers are translated into a programming language to be reinterpreted in visual and audio codes, through schemes of light frames and proyected at walls in public space.


Create a field reflective about the ways of inhabiting public space of diverse communities of Guimarães, through a mobile station adaptable to various urban contexts, generating interventions that motivate actions in public space and create a collection information and knowledge about the situation in the districts of Guimarães, both problems and opportunities that directly affect social life, the use of public space and the simbolic imaginary. Thus, the actions and interventions conducted contribute to establish a current mirror of the community, field trips will be generated, discussions in groups, surveys and interviews with people, video projections on walls and buildings, micro-actions proposed by their own groups or local public and visualizations generated through internet.

Elements of the machine:

1.-Human-powered mobile device, with four-wheel drive system pedals, handlebars and two seats.
2.-Tubular structures that support the transport elements.
3.-Collapsible wooden frame convertible in various furniture like chairs and tables for use in public space.
4.-The design of various containers for machine equipment.
5.-Video camera
6.-Audio Recorder
7.-Laptop with Internet
9.-Audio equipment, speakers and power of the speakers, small console and microphone.
10.-Battery power or the whole machine.
12.- System connections.
13.-Lighting system.

The dystopian machine in virtual space.
Through the network the dystopian machine you can keep the research in each place, and may collect information from various locations throughout a test book proposal and action, will be the space of information, documentation and public debate online.
Elements of the site:
Home, General information, Participates dystopian Program, Interventions, news (Production Press Releases pieces of information.) Gallery (photo and video records), Contact, Social Networks.

Printed Material dystopian machine:
General program fact sheet from the machine, with information of where will the invitation to participate via the web and face in areas where parking.